SALTEK s.r.o.

Drážďanská 85

400 07, Ústí nad Labem

  • +420 272942470

Předmět činnosti firmy SALTEK s.r.o.

SALTEK®. A leading Czech company specialising in the development and production of surge protective devices. We offer either a complete range of Type 1 to 3 Surge protective devices for low-voltage power systems according to EN 61643-11 or surge protective devices for informatics, measurement & control and telecommunications. SALTEK® products provide protection against atmospheric and technological overvoltage and ensure safe and trouble-free operation of technological equipment, machinery and electrical appliances in industry, transport, telecommunications, data centres, office buildings as well as households.

Další informace o firmě SALTEK s.r.o.

  • IČ : 27232417
  • Počet zaměstnanců : 5